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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Monday Monday ...

Easter was awesome. Church activities and dinner and a movie with Stephanie. I recall Pastor Rich saying we always ask why about everything instead of realizing the why is so Jesus can strengthen our Faith. How true those words rang into my life. Why do I not look at things that way ? Time in the word of God has become so refreshing and healing and yet it is usually in times of defeat that I seek answers in the word of God... God has been so merciful and gracious to me Father help me to seek you first in all things . Love thy neighbor seems so simple a request yet so difficult to continue even in the simplest ways. I find I am so judgemental and look at others and judge them and myself my sin is daily and wretched. I am seeking to make Jesus first in my life and yet I have sin I cling to not wanting to release it for some of it I enjoy. As we ate the seder meal  and went to good friday services then Easter sunrise services how Blessed we are to freely practice our faith without fear. Across the world others are tortured and murdered for being christians for having a Bible and we here take so much for granted. father heal me so that my life and purpose can be to be your hands and feet and to share your Love with others. Father forgive me I do know what I am doing and do it anyway. Yes there are times when I am ignorant of how my choices effect others. It seems the thing I most do not want to do I do and simply because I am doing it in my own strength and selfishness abounds and creeps out so often I am sickened by it. yes Monday comes after Tuesday but with a click of the mouse you landed here.. Such is life...

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