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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Part 2 of tracks

Little did we know that our waiting would put my husband on a two lane road at 4 a.m. where he would come upon a truck that had crashed, air bags deployed with the passenger still inside. The call to 911 went out after waiding waist deep in the snow to find the occupant unresponsive in the backseat.I did not find out until 7 A.m. that God had used my husband to save a mans life. He told me the man was found totally intoxicated and once again "BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD THERE GO I" was his final comment.


It is 2:25 a.m. what am I doing awake ? Well let me tell you! Had to take my husband to Sioux falls left at 11:00 did make a stop at walmart then the ride home, Alone ? I was not alone, I was not afraid, but I was hanging on to that steering wheel pretty tight. If it had not been for the one set of tracks barely visible in the snow I do not know if I would have made it. I had one truck come toward me and almost run me off the road and yes I did cuss! Then there were these crazy tracks and a truck pulled over, they were either blind or drunk. As I went passed I knew I was not stopping so I slowed to decide do I call 911 or maybe now that I am ahead of them they will follow me and you got it that is just what they did, I tried to stay far enough ahead to stay safe and whoever they were they arrived in larchwood safe and sound. From Larchwood to Inwood at times 20 miles per hour and then the tracks disappeared, I felt a panic start to rise in my chest and all I could do was say God I cannot see where I am going, slowing to the point I thought I would spin out and get stuck nerves frazzed red lights ahead and tracks a car turned out onto the road and I followed those tracks safely home. I told God a few things about my husband on our drive, Like from now on he better plan ahead and leave earlier in bad weather and I kind of chuckle for the old self would have had that cell phone in hand dialing and telling him just what I thought of his decision to wait so long not holding back anything including every swear word every spoken. As I entered town I calmly called my Dear husband and let him know I was home and that I Loved him, asked him to be oh so careful , to take his time and if it gets to bad to pull over and wait. God you are A miracle worker Indeed......